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- The Sentencing Commission consists of 13 Commissioners including 1 Chairperson,with one Commissioner other than the Chairperson controlling the overall Commission tasks as the Standing Commissioner.
- The Chairperson is appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court among those who have worked as judge, prosecutor, attorney, law professor or been engaged in other law-related works for more than 15 years.
- 12 Commissioners other than the Chairperson consist of four judges, two prosecutors, two attorneys, two law professors, and two persons with learning and experience, who are appointed or commissioned by the Chief justice of the Supreme Court. However, two prosecutors and two attorneys are appointed by the Chief Justice upon recommendation respectively by the Minister of the Ministry of Justice and the president of Korean Bar Association.
- The terms for the Chairperson and the Commissioners are 2 years, respectively, with serving consecutive terms allowed.
- Commission meetings may be summoned by the Chairperson, and are opened with the majority of the current Commissioners present. Affirmative votes by the majority of the current Commissioners are required for resolution as well. In the Commission meetings, specific and objective sentencing guidelines that may be referred to when a judge determines the sentences are established or revised, and related sentencing policies are studied or deliberated.
- Ordinary Commission meetings are held twice a quarter for 8 times a year, and extraordinary meetings or subcommission meetings (consisting of 5 or less commissioners) may be held as needed.